My Demon is on NPR.

Bubbles is having a diva moment…she’s a spotted hyena and feel misrepersented. I told them they got her look right and she can chill out.
As a storyteller, there are several landmarks ya hit when telling that resonate. The first time with a big audience. That first time revealing something you’ve never told. The first time you perform at a national event.
I’d hit all but two of my storytelling goals (at that time) when I received an e-mail from one of the producers of Snap Judgement, a really REALLY AMAZING show on NPR. As a lifelong Public Radio nerd, the idea of having one of MY stories on the radio turned me on beyond belief, but I was literally too shy to send in a pitch.
But when the pitch came to me, I was caught off-guard. And it was the last story I expected to be telling.
See, I’d been at a show…Porchlight Storytelling…and I got it in my head to talk about Bubbles, my demon. Not a sexy story, not a kinky story, a personal story that I though made me seem as though I had a mental breakdown.
I was afraid that people would think I was weird or crazy. But no one did.
And now, with full production and sound effects and everything, Bubbles’ story is forever there.
Like she is.
“Bubbles the Hyena” ~ On NPRs “Snap Judgement”